Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Nokia N900 Firmware Updates!

Nokia N900 Firmware Updates!
The new software version now Nokia N900, v1.2 (V10.2010.19-1), make improvements large and small: video calls. Yeap, like many of you know, the N900 has always been a secondary video call camera, but has never been able to use video calling. Asti. Celebrating v1.2. Next is to improve the communications department. Now you can accept or refuse the invitation directly to your inbox. On top of that you get a Facebook instant messaging. And now comes the browser to surf the sites themselves upright. Now is a fresh update of the landscape one device. V1.2 also brings changes to the UI Ovi Maps that should improve the user experience. Menu system interface has changed so that the first level is now customizable. Last but not least, there is news that has nothing to do with v1.2, but has been announced, with the updated software later N900. There are many new games and few applications that allow Big Ovi May 27: Jurassic 3D Rollercoaster Zen-bound, Sygic, Kroll, WeatherBug GoGadget and a record for Angry bird level.

To Manually Flash Nokia N900

You can also download and manually flash N900 firmware:
Downloaded firmware image from and flashed it yourself using Maemo Flasher.

read the full article of N900 Lates Updates


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