Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ovi Browser beta for S40

ovi browser
Nokia S40 devices come up with preloaded Opera Mini for a long time, but this could be nearing its end. Nokia Beta Labs has introduced Ovi S40 browser, which takes the same approach to browsing, Opera Mini does not. The browser is still in beta (as if the "Nokia Beta Labs" Tip not out). port their browser to use the server, open the page, compresses it and sends a condensed version of the phone. Just like Opera Mini does not.

So in fact, at this stage resembles Ovi browser Opera Mini 4.2 Beta Labs did say they have not used the code of the Opera and servers. The beta version of Ovi browser lacks some features, but developers are working to add new ones for the next beta so we do not know exactly what is included and what is omitted from the final version.

Until Ovi browser features fast page loads transferred to 90% less data, and Web integration in the form of autocomplete search engines (Yahoo, Google, Bing), bookmarks and more. Some features missing in action, as we would like to be added to see is tabs (although Opera Mini 4.2 has no legs either), find the page and save pages. If you want to test it, browser.ovi open. com on your phone. To see a list of supported phones, open this page in your desktop browser, or watch this page. He seems to intend to Ovi browser for Symbian. We guess you just have to continue to use Opera Mobile, if you're on the S60 (not a big loss).


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